Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Joys of Summer

We had a great weekend at the Colorado River. It was packed on Saturday with young, wilder crowd. Some ladies were dancing on a loud, groovy music while the boat is drifting with a bottle of beer on one hand. Whew! Some got really carried away that they’re showing their tits, lol! The guys were so loud, singing and dancing to the tune while passing by another group of people clapping at them… Oh, party people:) It was such a new and interesting adventure to me. It was more than I expected, LOL!

The water was kind of chilly though but it was indeed fun, fun, fun! Oh, it’s always nice to get away from work and have a short break (good thing to have your husband as your Boss, LOL).

Yes, enjoying while the summer fun is in the corner. Most people were drunk and so loud that the sheriffs were so alarmed, haha! Many have been hold for OUI (Operating under the Influence). Hmmm…


4 Grateful Heart's Words:

escape said...

summer/easter and christmas! best season of the year.

SHIELA said...

kanindot diha sha oi...

Unknown said...

Sounds like a blast! I love going out on the boat! Summer just isn't long enough for me! We have a lake about 3 hours away that we like to go to 3 or 4 times a year. There is a cove on it that has a lot of the sights that you described. We only venture back there without the kids! :-)

Shawie said...

thanks for dropping by, guys!
it was such a blast really... some people were naked on some part of the Lake...maybe unintentionally but because they're drunk, lol!