Thursday, March 12, 2009

Awards Galore

I love reading blogs during my breaks. There's always a great lesson learning from other people's lives. I love reading different kinds of blogs from personal, techie, spiritual to humor. There are quiet a few of my favorite bloggers.

Anyway, I would like to thank my blogger friends for these awards. Thanks Duni from Lovely Purses for this award:)

Thanks to Sherrose of "Life Over The Edge" for this award. She wrote some moving review too that quote: Shawie, at A Grateful Heart –shares some very beautiful and uplifting messages about experiencing life with a grateful heart. Just reading her blog makes you feel more peaceful and uplifted!

More award from JT Locke of "The Frugal Housewife". Thank you so very much guys:)

I'm writing to remind myself and to keep a journal and if somehow you were touched by some of my posts then that's very wonderful! Thank you for the continued support:)

2 Grateful Heart's Words:

Anonymous said...

Hi Shawie,
Thanks for mentioning me in your post :0) You have my name correct, but the blog you listed is not blog is Life Over the Edge at

I so much enjoy your blog when I come here--which is most every day!

Have a great day,
Sher :0)

Shawie said...

oh my...I do apologize for that Sherrose, I was confused too when I double-checked it today:( thanks for telling me & it's now corrected...
I was such in a hurry yesterday & the code didn't work ...maybe that is bad:(