Monday, September 8, 2008

Award and Meme Monday

Wow! This is nice and neat. I got an award from Bishop Matthias of "The Matthias Chronicles". I have been reading his blog and as he had said : "Well, let's see... First, I am a real bishop. Yes, that may seem hard to believe, especially with some of my right slanted views..." Thanks for this award:)
He wrote: A Grateful Heart, A personal view of life from Shawie and always on the upbeat side. That's very touching:) Believe me, if I were to write all that I have gone through like any other people- it will be too tiring for me to write and for you to read, lol! Most people that never really know me, they would say I'm just silent, happy-go-lucky sorta...but those few of whom I surfaced and open up, they wouldn't believe I've done it all and stayed positive and grateful. There's always a humor in life and I would rather laugh at all struggles rather than dwell on it with a heavy heart. I'm glad I have that "kind" of faith. Anyway, thanks so very much for this award and for taking time to read my posts:)
Well, I'm not finished yet, haha! This tag came from KCee. Thanks, gurl! I think this is so much fun.
7 Random Facts About Me:
1. I'm a cry baby when I watch movies. I can't help but cry everytime the plot of the story is all about life, struggles, being so generous and forgiving.
2. I always turn the volume so loud everytime my favorite song is being played.
3. I would rather go out by myself in a bookstore, shop by myself, eat alone rather than spending time with someone I can't even relate to. Sorry, I felt bad about it but it seemed to me- a waste of time, haha!
4. I'm very observant and easy to please.
5. I'm always scared of the dark. I just don't know why.
6. I'm very stubborn. I just hate being manipulated.
7. If there's one thing that I'm very grateful about- it is the self-awakening. The very best gift I had ever received.

3 Grateful Heart's Words:

KCee said...

I also turn up the volume really loud when my favorite song is playing and I love to shop by myself too! Guess we have something in common there. :)

Thanks for tagging along!Till next? :-P

Hailey's Beats and Bits said...

hope u can play along. it's fun!

Anonymous said...

I also cry alot on sad movies and play music real hard when I like it.
You deserve this awards very much, Shawie. I am one of your blog fans.

Really love your blog too.

By the way I have something for you here:

Drop by when you have time;)