Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Soul

Once in a while, I get away from anything. I always felt there's a need for me to pause for a moment, empty my cup, count my blessings and look back. I don't believe in regrets. Everything happen for a reason and the beauty is finding that reason. That's living:)

An event in your soul is like an event in the depths of the ocean. It's very deep. On the ocean there maybe turmoil, a storm, or a gentle breeze. But the further you go down, there is absolute total silence. And that's the way it is with the soul.

The soul lives in silence. You have to feel that silent place in the depths of your soul, in that place where you can always concentrate on God. It's a place nobody can go and nothing can enter, unless you open the door.

0 Grateful Heart's Words: