I obtain so much happiness from just being able to see light in everyday,
I love to gaze at the dancing branches of the trees,
And realize how incredibly grateful I am for what I have been given,
And everything that YOU have unselfishly shared.
I just can’t stop smiling whenever I try to count all my blessings,
Knowing that I couldn’t count that much,
Even if I have forever with me.
I am eternally grateful on how you chased so many dark clouds away,
And given me days full of sunshine and tender warmth.
But until forever is here,
Until forever gives me another chance,
Till my whole life is lived,
I will eternally utter my praises to you, my God
I will constantly smile for every thought of you,
I will hold you in my heart as much as you hold mine,
I will feel blessed by your presence, in my mind, in my heart,
And it would be forever to give back all the happiness you’ve given me.
And it would take me forever to find the right words,
For all the thanks I would like to express
For all the profoundly comforts you have shared,
And for all the wonderful feelings of being loved and accepted.
Until forver is not enough, I will always love you.
Please join us in this love-link tagging. It's very inspirational.
1. Compose a "Statement of Gratitude" (Why are you grateful and what are you grateful for?)
2. Choose a graphic from HERE or use your own. (Any standard graphic format can be used, including a "gif".)
3. You can either place your "Statement" in a graphic using a graphics program of your choice, or place your "Statement of Gratitude" as a caption to the graphic, your choice. BE CREATIVE! A graphic is requested but not mandatory. I will post just the Statement if you wish.
4. Send your "Statement of Gratitude" to the following email address: Yes (at) AreYouGrateful (dot) Com or Post your statement on your site and email me the link.
On emailed statements, please include:
1. "Statement of Gratitude" (unless it is embedded in the graphic)
2. Creative Title to your "Statement of Gratitude"
3. Graphic (if you have one) as an attachment.
4. Your Site name (Anonymous will be be accepted.)
5. Your site's URL
6. Country / State / City where you reside (just the country will be okay)
Your "Statement of Gratitude" will have its own URL with a direct link back to your site, if you have one. It will be indexed on my sidebar by date, number, and your site name/your name/or Anonymous. Send in as many Expressions of Gratitude as you'd like. If you choose to remain anonymous, no identifying information will EVER be disclosed to anyone.You are encouraged to post the "Statement of Gratitude" on your own site and please copy the following statement at the end of your post, if you would be so kind. This does come with a generous helping of "link-love," and tagging is completely optional.
After all everyone has something to be grateful for and/or something to complain about. If you would like to share, please follow the appropriate link and do so: "Are You Grateful?", "Complain Complain Complain."Contributors to "Are You Grateful?" & "Complain Complain Complain.": 1-Attitude, the Ultimate Power 2-Max 3-DianaCA's Metamorphoses 4-Mental Poo 5-My Thoughts 6-Baba Doodlius 7-Wake Up America 8-Life is a Roller Coaster 9-Life is Beautiful 10-pinay mommy's love blog 11-My Happiness Haven 12-And Life Goes On for a Filipino Mom 13-Blessed Sanctuary 14-Expressions And Thoughts 15-Memories by Jenn 16-Reminiscence of My Adventures 17-In the Life of Mne 18-Juliana's Lair 19-Pinay Wahm 20-Lucid Creativity 21-Winged Words 22-Irresistible Fascinations 23-A Little Time 24-See Me For What You Will 25-Greatest Reviews 26-ETC ATBP 27-Gandacious 28-We Are Family 29-Journey to this thing called LIFE 30-www.rajeshrana.net 31-www.rajeshrana.com 32-BaReFooTeD Me 33-Uncomplicated 34-Points of View 35-Pride & Prejudice 36-Colorful World 37-Nora's Notes 38-A Daily Walk With Bill & Gina 39-Strange but True 40-Everything Under The Sun ( Beth Rebokon ) 41-Kaleidoscope 42-Fil-Oz Blog 43-By Osc@r Luiz 44-Comedy Plus 45-Blogging by Sandee 46-Soul Meets World 47-Mae's Memoirs 48-Beyond the Rave Reality 49-Amori, poesie, arte, chat by Hanna 50-Attached at the Hip 51-Carver's Sight or is that Site? 52-Empress Reviews 53-Simple Pleasures In My Heart 54-Lourdes' mia 55-A Grateful Heart 56-YOU
1 Grateful Heart's Words:
Your “Gratitude Statement” has been posted on the “Gratitude Site.” The URL is < http://areyougrateful.blogspot.com/2008/04/51-song-of-gratitude.html >. Don't forget to come by and copy/paste the current list of participants back to your post. Doing this frequently insures maximum link benefit for everyone who participates. And by keeping your list current with mine you won't have to respond to individual participant requests to add them to your list. Staying current is optional. However, if you do stay current, you will maximize the “link-love” for everyone who participates. My suggestion is to schedule a visit to < http://areyougrateful.blogspot.com/2008/03/how-to-submit-statement-of-gratitude.html > once every couple of weeks and add the new participant links.
Please let me know if there are any changes that you would like to make to the post.
Thanks for participating. If possible, try to get others to participate; again, totally optional. Also, you can contribute as many “Statements of Gratitude” and/or “Complaints” as you wish.
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